
Outlook for 2022

What will happen in 2022 for Traveling with Justin? That is a good question. Let’s find out what I am thinking how it will turn out. 2020 Came along and well something happened and well traveling sort of just well stopped. It sucked big time. 2021 Came along and it […]

Christmas Day, 2021

What does Christmas mean to you? Christmas We have reached December 25, 2021, and that means that Christmas is upon us and we are hopefully spending time with family this year. I know I am. No matter Where you are at in the world, or where you are spending Christmas […]


Vegas is known as the “Sin City” due to its nature and what they are known for so what is the attraction of Vegas? Let’s find out. Vegas In 1905 was settled and officially became incorporated in 1911. it is known for the following: Night life Mega casino-hotels Gambling And […]

Sunday, Sept. 5, 2021

Well, part of it is just an ongoing adventure from Saturday night. We didn’t get back to the hotel until about 12:30 AM. Let me explain Traffic Heading out of the parking structure we could have turned left, but there was a line of cars not going anywhere. So we […]