Travel Adventures

New direction

When I started this adventure of traveling with Justin, I was thinking of doing it as a traditional website and not as a blog, so I thought about having pages. Hence, the menus are across the top of the page. By doing this I would create pages for my trips […]

Juneau, Alaska   Recently updated !

Well, the city of Juneau, Alaska, is the capital of Alaska. What is the big deal with Juneau? Let’s find out Juneau Juneau is located between the Gastineau Channel and the Alaskan panhandle. Before 1906, Sitka was the capital (we talked about Sitka here). The government of the District of Alaska […]

State of Alaska

The State of Alaska was once the territory of Russia. Let’s talk about Alaska. The state Well, this state is one of the only ones that is separated from the rest of the states. The other one is Hawaii. It sits on the Northwest side of Canada. Alaska is the […]