
I am constantly helping people out! I have been doing this for most of my life, as far as I can remember.  I am always willing to help people out with

  • Technology
  • Cell phones
  • Computers
  • Setting up networks
  • And so forth. A different website for this

I also love to look at this thing called the Internet and research my next trip. I love to travel.

I grew up with 5 sisters and 1 brother. I remember traveling in our station wagon, suburban, truck, etc. Camping in the trailer, or tents. Going to Disneyland and so forth.

  • I am a planner and I like to make sure things go smoothly
  • Where am I staying?
  • What am I packing?
  • How do I get there?
  • What are we doing when we get there?
  • And the list goes on.

My wife hates it, she is just we will figure it out when we get there type of person. Secretly, I think she just wants me to plan everything.

I have a bachelor’s in Business Management and Information Technology, and I am here doing websites. Something I have loved doing since 1997.

So some of the reviews might be a little small and boring, it’s just that I am trying really hard to recall what I did on that day back in 2010, 2013, 2015…

So here is the low down on why I created travelingwithjustin.com.

  • Love to travel
  • I do a lot of research
  • Why not share my experiences with others
  • Give out tips to help others out

So my passion for traveling when my money allows it, and my desire to do some research to find out what other people did and apply it to myself.

The goals of this website are:

  • To review where I have been.
  • To give tips about what I thought was the best
  • I to review the hotels and let you know what I thought about them.

I will do my best to keep you informed and provide good-quality information.

I might not be the best video editor, but this is a work in progress.

So maybe this site will help you with your travel needs. If it does then I have done part of what I set out to do.

So now that I have this project I will review it as I go. So hopefully you will get a lot more out of where I have been a section that will be useful.

So enjoy the website. If you would like to drop me a line go to the contact page.

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