Year 2020

Trips for the year of 2020

Food Options

February 16 – 23, 2020 we will be eating aboard the Regal Princess. Now for those who have never cruised before don’t worry there is plenty of food options to make sure you don’t go hungry.  There is an ice cream cone place, an international café and many more options […]

Embarking the ship

February 15, 2020, means that we are boarding the Regal Princess. We arrived at terminal 2 and it was under construction. We dropped off the luggage with the porters and walked across to the building. Got asked some questions and then we were on the way to ship the trip. […]

Airport, SLC

I am back at The Salt Lake International airport for another trip. The airport is still undergoing construction.  Seems like it will never be finished.  We were dropped off at terminal 1 since that is where JetBlue is at.  TSA was closed, but we still were able to use Precheck. […]

New Year

A New Year is upon us here at, and that means that I will have some more posts about my traveling adventures. You just done reading about the Philly trip. I have more adventures coming up as well. My Plan As the new year starts on January 1, 2020, […]