World Trade Center

It was a group of buildings that were built in Lower Manhattan. It featured 2 very tall buildings.

1971 to 2001

But first, this was pitched in 1943. But it was put on hold. But it ended up in lower Manhattan to renew the economic development. This was a complex that featured seven buildings. The buildings

  • 1 World Trade Center
    • North Tower
      • 1,368 feet
  • 2 World Trade center
    • South Tower
      • 1,362 Feet
  • Marriott World Trade center
    • 3 World Trade Center
  • 4 World Trade Center
  • 5 World Trade Center
  • 6 World Trade Center
  • 7 World Trade Center

The whole complex was 13,400,00 Square feet This was built between 166 and 1975 costing a whooping $400 Million. Yea, that was a hell of a lot of money back then.

This is what I think of when I hear the words World Trade Center

In 1993, there was an attack on the World Trade Center when terrorists detonated a Ryder rental truck filled with 1.500 pounds of explosives. This happened in the North Tower, in the underground garage. The force of the blast opened up a 100 ft hole that went through 5 sublevels and had some significant structural damage on level B3.

In 2001, terrorists again attacked the World Trade Center, this time with 2 airplanes., one American Airlines and a United Airlines plane. This attack collapsed the twin towers.

World Trade Center 2022

The year is 2022 when I finally set foot in New York City, and yes, the World Trade was on my list. This is one of the places I wanted to see.

One World Trade was known as the Freedom Tower, which is also the main building that was rebuilt. Now the height of building 1 is 1,368 feet. The same as the original building. However, they put a spire on top of it to make it a total height of 1,776 feet. Wait, that date sounds familiar.

Here is the layout of the complex

  • One World Trade Center
    • Building 1
  • 2 World Trade
    • The base is completed, but the tower has been put on hold
  • 3 World Trade Center
    • Compted
  • 4 World Trade
    • Completed
  • 5 World Trade
    • Approved
  • 7 World Trade
    • Completed
  • National September 11, Memorial
    • Completed
  • National September 11 Museum
    • Completed
  • World Trade Transportation Hub
    • Completed
  • Ronald O Perelman Performing arts center
    • In progress
  • Vehicular Security Center
    • Completed
  • Liberty Park
    • Completed
  • St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
    • Incomplete
  • Fiterman Hall
    • Completed


I wish I could have visited the Twin towers, However, this is something I couldn’t do as they were destroyed in 2001. However, this is a great place to visit. Seeing what they did with the North and South tower bases. I mean it is amazing. I didn’t go to the museum. Our tour didn’t have time for that. I need to go back. However, seeing the new building and what they accomplished well, is a great thing for the memory of what happened on that day here in that spot, which changed American History.

Seeing what they have done, the new buildings, the transportation hub. It is making that area something to see and remember. Now I can go on about what this meant to me. But, you will need to experience it yourself.


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