Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021

All things must come to an end, and when a vacation comes to an end, it just sucks. This Labor Day trip needs to come to an end.

Tahiti Village

I will be talking about this in the next post. But we packed up and took everything out to the car.  I went and checked us out and we were on our way home. All before 8 AM. Why so early? My son needed to be back to school before noon.

Left Vegas

Leaving Las Vegas wasn’t as tragic as the movie, but it was just jumping on the freeway and heading North. They are always adding on to the freeway, but it was also rush hour so it was so slow-moving.

We missed the construction of the pass in Arizona by a day, so there was no slow down for us. They are doing something with the road, but it wouldn’t start until Wednesday.  

Cedar City

We made it to Cedar City, got the son there so he could do his duties on campus while we unpacked his room. Well, my wife and the oldest son did that. I was just in the way so I went downstairs and sat on the couch. The wife wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t happy I was in the way.

Filled up with gas and we were on our way home. It was a nice drive, a bit boring. We don’t listen to the radio as if it isn’t country then we can’t listen to anything. I know rude.

Got home

We got home and unpacked the car and started to relax. It was a good day. We went from Vegas to Cedar City to home all in a few hours.

My thoughts

So the day was full and fun of adventures that we had over the past few days. I will talk more about my overall thoughts later. But it was a good day, full of driving.

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