
What does Panama have that changed the world? Let’s think about it.


Here is where it is at


Here are some facts that I have found

  • Capital
    • Panama City
  • Ethnic Groups
    • 65.5% Mestizo
      • A mix of White and Indigenous
    • 12.3% Indigenous
    • 9.2% Black
    • 6.8% Mulatto
      • Mixed Black and White
    • 6.7% White
  • Religion
    • 91.5%
      • Christianity
        • 63.2% Roman Catholic
        • 25.0% Protestant
        • 3.3% other Christian
    • 7.6%
      • No religion
    • 0.9% other
  • Independence
    • From Spanish Empire
      • November 28, 1821
    • Union with Gran Colombia
      • December 1821
    • From the Republic of Columbia
      • November 3, 1903
    • Current Constitution
      • October 11, 1972
  • Population
    • 4,337,768
      • 127th
  • GDP
    • $82.348 billion


Just like the rest of Central America, it was explored by Europeans. Yes, Christopher Columbus had a short-lived settlement, but he settled in Darien, Vasco Nunez. Spain wanted to make sure that its Empire was in the New World. So the King sent Pedro Arias Davita and made him the Royal Covenor. When he arrived, they had 19 vessels and 1,500 men.

For 300 years, Spain ruled (1538 to 1821). After giving Spain the boot, they became part of the Viceroyalty of Peru. They made a country called Real Audiencia of Panama, which went from Nicaragua to Cape Horn. Dang, that was a big country. But it didn’t last long.

Panama has more history and more wars for independence. You can find out more here.

Panama. (2023, December 25). In Wikipedia.

This is where I got a lot of this information from.


In 1914, the Panama Canal was completed, and it was extensively fortified access to it by the United States during World War II.

Under President Carter, the canal was handed to Panama for complete control.

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