Overview of July 12, 2020

Sunday is supposed to be a rest day, well the way I look at it and on this vacation, it was sort of a rest day. We had a sort of downtime.

Morning time

Of course, I was up early, I mean I can’t just stay in bed. I feel like I am wasting my time and I have to go and do something. So I just got up and got ready for the day and waited around for the rest.

Afternoon time

We went to play some disc golf and then we left and came back. My wife was hot and she laid down and I went outside and did some videos. The thing I like to do.

Evening Time

Went out to eat at a drive-in was supposed to be a good burger.

It was only subpar. We had a lot of issues with food. Went back to the hotel and went to bed.

I know a big and exciting day.

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