Holocaust Museum

What is the Holocaust? How did it happen? Why? These are all the questions we have to ask ourselves.


Is the Holocaust, well it is the state-sponsored persecution and killing of about six million European Jews. Yea,  six million people were murdered.


When the Nazi German regime took power in 1933 when Adolf Hitler became the leader of Germany. They took Jews out of the following:

  • Pollical
  • Economic
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • And Society at large


After the loss of World War I, the Nazis falsely accused the Jews of causing the above issues and losing the War.  The fear of what could happen, communism, and the great depression.  The Weimar Republic was in power from 1918 -1933.

I could go on but let’s get into the post.

Holocaust Memorial in D.C.

This is located in Washington D.C.  Here

You have to tickets online and usually months in advance. I didn’t know this and we didn’t get tickets as it was all sold out. However, there is a handful of tickets set aside for each day. They go online at 7 AM EST. and it is first to come first get them. I got up and got 2 tickets to the Museum on May 5, 2022. 

This is one place my wife wanted to do while in D.C., so it was a must thing to do.

Doing the tour

When you first walk in you pick up an identification card, one is male and one is female. 

It gives you the history of an actual person who was in the Holocaust. It detailed what happened to them.


On the top floor and worked your way down. You start off in the early 1930s and then you get down to 1941-1945 when the final solution was enforced. Y

My thoughts

Just the fact that people could take a group and just kill them because you can.  The way they dehumanized them.  Took their belongings, made them strip down, shaved their heads, and sent them into the “showers”,  the gas chambers where they were killed. Then they went thru and removed gold fillings from their teeth.

When the gas chambers weren’t available, they just took them out and shot them in a mass grave. What?? How in the hell can someone do this?

The things that these people went through due to their religious views, something that you don’t agree with.

This is a must thing to do if you are in D.C., especially if you want to learn about the history and what has happened in the past.

I could go on and on about what this museum is all about. But, I can’t do it justice. You have to experience this for yourself.


Check out the video

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