Disembarkation, Ruby Princess

The day came that no one wanted, and that was getting off of the ship day. Well, I think it was a welcomed day for many people. This was the most extended cruise I have done so far.

Luggage Out

We had to have the luggage out before 10 PM. We went to a show at 9 PM. My wife had to put the luggage out because she wandered off doing some last-minute things. Besides getting off the ship, the saddest part of the cruise is putting your luggage out.

Late night announcement

It was like midnight when an announcement came over the room speaker. It was a ship-wide everywhere announcement. There was a stage 1 alert. I guess there was a small fire? Something was going on, But it was the only thing I heard. This was the second one of the cruise. 

Morning came early

The morning came relatively quickly. If your wife opened the balcony door when she got up and went to the bathroom, you could hear many things. Usually, I wouldn’t say I like the disembarking part of this ship. It is a pain in the butt. You have to do the following:

  • Finish packing
  • Making sure nothing is left behind
  • Finish packing
  • Shower
  • Go to breakfast
  • Carry what luggage you didn’t take with you to the dining room.
  • Carry that to the embarkation place.
    • That involves stairs, and you sweat like crazy.
  • It’s no fun at all.

We exited the room we had lived in for the last 15 nights and went to breakfast.

We Sat

We sat in the princess theatre for about 15 minutes before leaving to find the buses. We were told to go to deck 5 midship. So we started that way. However, we got diverted to deck 6 Midship, which was a much better choice. There are no stairs besides going down a few stairs in the theatre.

Left the ship and went and found the luggage. Usually, the luggage is all by each other. However, some of it was, and the others were all over the place. I forgot about my luggage since I had many other luggage. My wife asked where mine was at. We spent about 5 minutes looking for it. I found it and then went to customs.


They said to have your ID out and ready. But they also told you to keep moving. I thought they were going to take my photo. No questions asked; I just showed them my passport, and that was it. Nice and easy. So here is a tip here. Just get your passport out and put it in your pocket. I had mine in my backpack but was moving all my luggage. I know my problem.

Time for the tour

Well, that was a crap show, and I will explain all about that later. That will happen on Feb. 12, 2024


Disembarkation was pretty smooth, the standard. Breakfast was quick and easy- the last one, I didn’t have to clean up or cook.

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