Adventure in Vancouver

We decided to fly out of Seattle, Washington, and back home as it was cheaper, and we would stop in Seattle anyway. So we booked our selfs an adventure for the day.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

We did something like this in Ft. Lauderdale, FL; since our flight didn’t leave until 6 PM that night, we thought it would be fun. It was fun, and we only spent a couple of hours at the airport instead of all day.

We thought we would do the same thing here.


We boarded the bus; however, before we did, the bus driver and the guide looked at my wife, and then they looked at her shoes. Yes, she did have flip-flops on. That is the only thing she wears. They asked her if she had other shoes since there would be snow where we would be going.

She opened her suitcase and told me to find a seat while looking for some shoes. So I did get a seat, just not the seat she wanted. So we had to find different seats at the back of the bus.

The adventure was called Ship to Air or something like that. It is where you go from the ship on a little tour and then drop off at that airport. So off we went.

Some pictures of the drive to the first stop

First Stop

It was a place called Shannon Falls; it was a nice place to see; We didn’t have that long there to see the sights.

It had some totem poles.

The falls were great, and I wish I could spend more time there.

Second Stop

The Sea to Sky Gondola takes you up 885 meters or about 2,900 FT. My wife doesn’t like heights or enclosed spaces.

It was a great ride. Up took a long time to get up there, OK, maybe like 15 min. I didn’t time it. Should have. On the way up, this is what we encountered.

Yep some fog

Once at the top, you had some great views if it was foggy. Yes, there was snow on the ground.

The suspension bridge was a great thing to try. Yes, we did walk across it and saw the following:

We had some time to get some food at the top. They are a cashless place, so if you are going, ensure you have a credit or debit card.

They had a couple of different lines to eat at. Here is what we got

Yes, I got hot chocolate along with a Spicy Italian.

Some of the views

The Gondola.

Third stop

The third stop was the airport, where we were supposed to get off. However, since a few people were on, like 12 of us, going back downtown, they took us to a hotel, our last stop.


It was a good trip with great views, and if you have a late afternoon flight or can’t check into your hotel until later, this is the adventure for you.


Yep, I did a video

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