2019 – Golfing Trip – Day 2

Woke up at my normal time, but then went back to sleep. Got up and got moving around 8:00, didn’t want to be the rude one and wake everyone up. Waking up friends = bad, waking up the family to go eat = good.


Casa Blanco does NOT do a breakfast buffet on the weekdays, only on the weekends. So we went to the Casa Café and had the breakfast special:

  • 2 eggs
  • Hash browns
  • Ham
  • Toast

Here is a menu of what is offered.

No, I didn’t get a picture of it.  I know, I know I need to get better at taking pictures.

After Breakfast

Went to the pool to see what is going on there, that was a good choice. Didn’t have a swimsuit on but that was OK, the sun was nice and warm. Let’s just say there were some interesting swimsuits. After a while went back to the room, where I work on my laptop, another friend went to the pool and the other one worked on a video of his scuba dive trip to the Caymans.


We went to Walmart, no trip would have been complete with out a trip to Wal-Mart. I got some Rootbeer and some water. Went back to the room and on the way, I cashed in my .75 cent free hotdog coupon. So I had a hotdog for lunch which was fine.

After Lunch

We were going to go golfing, but for $135 dollars, each, we decided not to do that. That was for 9 holes. We decided to gamble some, they did 21 and I did some slots. I didn’t want to gamble, but I decided to join the others in trying to get in a drawing for a car. So I just did the slots. I won about $50 so it was an OK trip.

I tried my luck at winning $25 million, didn’t come close. But I tired.


We headed to the Seafood buffet across town, I like seafood, but not a lot of it. I thought there would be different kinds of seafood, but there was a lot of crap. I ate a lot of Shrimp. I was full after we got done eating.

Pictures of the Buffet

Here are some pictures

Someone asked me if this was for my Instagram stories, I said, sort of, it is for my travel blog. They said that is cool, and they moved out of the way so I could get a photo of all the desert. So it was kind of a cool.


We went back to the Casa Blanco and I walked around and got some photo’s while they went and played some 21.  Surprise, we didn’t win a chance to get the car. I think they are all locals.

It was a good day and relaxing one. Need more of these days. 

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