White House

The home of the President of the United States of America. Opened up in 1880.


1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500


Here are some facts about the White House

  • George Washington never resided there as he stayed in New York in a couple of Private homes.
  • The government house moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for 10 years while the permanent capital was built.
  • The White House burned in an 1814 fire.
    • After the US attacked burning of Toronto
  • 1881
    • President Chester A Arthur ordered some renovations
  • 1930’s
    • President Franklin Roosevelt moved the Oval Office moved to where it is now. Next to the Rose Garden.
  • 1948
    • The house was declared to be in imminent danger of collapse.
    • President Truman had the White House reconstructed and lived in the Blair house across the street.
    • Built it in a steel frame
  • 1961-1963
    • Jacqueline Kennedy, wife of President John F. Kennedy led the way for an extensive and historic redecoration of the house.

It has three floors

This was taken from a Website and here is the credit. By Original: GearedBull Vector: ZooFari – Own work based on: WHStateFloor.png by GearedBull, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6930352

The areas of the White House

  • Executive Residence
  • West Wing
  • East Wing
  • Grounds

My view

This is about as close as I got to the White House.

We thought about trying to go closer. But it never worked out. We were on a tour and I thought they would take us closer to it. But that was about as close as I got.

I had a whole plan of what I would do there. Nothing bad. I was going to film a video for Just Justin YouTube channel. I was going to do a day joke for my Social Media. But I had to go to Plan B for both of those options.

My thoughts

I thought that it was a pretty cool view to see it from that far back. You can see how they have opened it up so you can see the White House from afar. I think they have to do that for Marine One to land.

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