Day 6, April 6, 2017

Today is the last full day on the ship and we are in Ensenada, Mexico. We got up and had breakfast in the Mardi Gras Dining room and had a nice big breakfast, however, they did bring me double eggs, Sausage, and potato rounds.  Went back and got ready to get off the ship. We then went to get off the ship, we made sure that we had our government issued ID and sign and sail cards. Walked to the shopping district of Ensenada. Not sure if this is the downtown area or what.

The only thing that really bothers be about Ensenada is that everyone wants to sell you something. If not beer, taco, cigars, and trinkets it is something. I just want to walk around and look. We found the few things we wanted to buy and we got them. I think the group enjoyed the time we spent there. Walked backed to the ship and ate some lunch.

Where I had a salad and Pastrami on rye, I was fuller than full. I wanted to take my kindle up to a deck and sit there and read or just look at the view. However, I fell asleep for a good hour. I did get up and go and sit on the deck and watched the Grand Princess, which was also in port with us today, leave. The Grand princess did the California Costal cruise out of San Francisco.

Dinner came up, the last one of the cruise and it didn’t disappoint. So much food looked good but I couldn’t eat what I got.  Went back to the room and started to pack, I got 95% of mine done. The other 5% is electronic items and my toiletries. However, my wife and son,  well let’s just say it will be a mad dash in the morning. We have to be out of the cabin at 8:30 AM. So we will see what happens.

Finished the night with a couple of the adult comic acts, the only difference between the family friendly and the adult acts where the f-bombs and sexual jokes. So not funnier, at least to me.

Before bed, I had my ice cream, hot chocolate in the buffet. So on a side note, tonight I ordered Hot Chocolate in the dining room like I always did and the wanted to charge me for it. They have never charged me for that all week. I thought that was kind of odd. So I didn’t get one.


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