Day 7, April 7, 2017

The last few hours on the ship today which meant that it was packing and breakfast and leaving the ship. However, my previous day ended at 12:45 AM and started at 2:45 AM when I had to go look for my son, who was in the buffet with some people that he meet on the ship. I didn’t want to be one of those parents that just let their kids do what ever they want to do. He was mad at me, oh well.

We ate one last time in the dining room and then it was off to the room to collect our bags before 8:30 AM to head off the ship. We walked down the thru the art gallery and off the ship. With all the activities this week I forgot to take a picture of the room.

Walking thru customs was a breeze and then we waited outside for the rest of the party before calling for our shuttle.  We said our goodbyes and then board our shuttle back to the Hotel Maya to get our car. The shuttle driver took us right to the car. Which was a first as this never happened before. Packed the car and headed off?  Our other hotel wasn’t available until 3 so we drove to find Angels stadium and we drove by Disneyland, however, I was the only one to see it as the other two were asleep.

Found our hotel the Best Western, Los Alamitos Inn and Suites. Took our stuff up to the room and took a nap. After the nap, we went and found a friend of my son’s and surprised her.  Took her to a Angels game, the Dodgers are in Colorado. Had OK seats, but couldn’t see the out field players. I guess that is why they are so cheap. The Angles played the Seattle Mariners and the Angels won.

Went out to In-n-Out and took her back home and then went back to the room and crashed. It was a long day.

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