Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021

They say that Saturday is a special day, it is true, especially in the fall. That is when football starts back up. College football is played on Saturday. So drop everything and watch some Football.

Video Teaser

The video is at the bottom of the post…

Morning time

I was up and I blogged for about 2 hours, being I did the following:

  • Did my Just Justin YouTube Video
    • Watch that here
  • Started my video for where we stayed at
  • Started to write my blog posts while they are fresh in my head.

Had some breakfast with what was left of the Cougar Tail and a couple of bowls of cercal. I had some Honey Lucky Charms, I guess it is new, and some Apple Jacks. Headed over to the outlet mall, it is about a 10 min walk from where we are staying. Looked around for a couple of hours, the place I wanted to visit said they would be back in 15 min. but, nope they weren’t.

Afternoon time

Headed over to Henderson and ate at Scrambled, which I will be talking about in a different post. Went to another Nike outlet store and then Target. At least it isn’t Walmart like we normally do.

We got back and took a couple of hour nap and then headed on over to the game.

Night time

This was spent at the Allegiant Stadium watching BYU play Arizona in the Vegas kick-off classic. It was a fun night with a lot of walking. I will talk about what happened at night in the Football post.

Wrong way

I wish the place we were staying at had a shuttle that would take us to the game, but they didn’t. I think a good portion of the guests were going to the game. But nonetheless, we found a parking spot on an app for only $20. We booked it, but we went the wrong way. Instead of making a right on Reno Dr., we made a left, as that is where the signs were pointing us to go. We got up there to pay, pulled out our app, they said it wasn’t the right place, but they would let us go in. So we just parked there. We didn’t have to pay the $30 to park there. It was happening quite a bit. Walked and walked to the stadium.

Over all

It was a very active day, a long one at that,  started out blogging and finished blogging. If that is what you would like to call it. But it was a good day in the land of sin, oh I mean Vegas.

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