Started off in the mountains and ended up back in my own bed. Wait I thought you were camping what happened. Let me explain.
Morning time
Woke up and ate some good old breakfast, and some good old French toast. That was a good breakfast. Love me some French toast.
Left the camp at about 10: 30 to head on into Scofield, Utah. It is a great big city with a total of 23 residents that live there full time. But today there were like 3,000 people. Those that own cabins and things were all there for a parade. Yes, a parade. It wasn’t like the parades I have been to. But it was a parade. My wife still says the parade she went to in Oregon was the best. I didn’t attend that one.
Then after that, we took in some food, and the others headed out on the boat and we headed home.

Did we get sick of camping? Well, no we didn’t but we had an event to go to.
Stadium of Fire
Camping was only about 1 hour and 30 minutes away, so we drove home and we cleaned up and, headed over to the event at Lavell Edwards Stadium home of the BYU Cougars for the night.
We had the chance to see good old Tim McGraw, the yep second one this year. Do I like him, no but my wife does.

That is how my Saturday went.
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