Ruby Princess, Free Food Options

On board the ship, we have plenty of free food options. Here is a list of the places to eat that don’t cost anything.


Dining rooms

  • Deck 5
    • Michelangelo
      • Midship
  • Deck 6
    • Botticelli
      • Aft
    • Davinci
      • Midship
      • Offers the following
        • Breakfast every day
        • Lunch on Sea Days (we had 10 of them)
        • Dinner

International café

  • Midship on Deck 5
  • They have a variety of different options throughout the day,

Deck 15

  • Pizza Place
    • This is located up on Deck 15 on the port side of the ship, located towards the back of the ship
  • Cones and Coffe
    • Cones are free
      • Villina
      • Chocolate
      • Swirl
  • Salty Dog
    • Midship on the starboard side.
  • Buffet
    • consists of
      • Horizon Court
      • Cafe Cabrie (Aft)

You also have the dining rooms, which will be covered later in this series.

Go Hungry

If you go hungry on a cruise, then this is your fault. There are plenty of free options to select to eat at. Some are sweet, and some are tasty. I liked the food options.


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