Monday, February 17, 2020 Overview

Feb. 17 is the day I was born. So it is my birthday, Yes, it is. This year was different than the rest. I didn’t spend it at home in the cold weather like I normally do. This year I spent it on a cruise ship and on an island.


We ate in the dining room and I had eggs yes just eggs. I know right something must be wrong with me. I usually have a lot to eat but not today.

Princess Cays

In order to get to the island you would have to swim or take a tender.  We opted for the tender and that took a while. I mean awhile. Like I said earlier, I wanted to do things on my schedule but that didn’t work out that way. Instead of being over there at 9 AM, it was 11:38 AM Local time, as you can tell here

It was a hot day but an enjoyable day. Sat in a clamshell and kept us out of the heat, my wife was happy for the time being, and I was not stressed if she was going to complain of the heat.


Had some lunch on the island it was good.

Last shuttle

The last shuttle or tender was leaving around 3:30 and so I went off to film what I could. I always have big things planned in my head, but it doesn’t always work out that way. I did some time-lapse video and it is a bit fast.

We went in the water and found it to be a bit rocky.  Sat in the clam shell for a couple of hours and then headed back to the ship.


We have any time dining and so we are supposed to eat in the Symphony dining room on deck 5, midship. But they put us up one deck in the (I don’t really know the name). That is where we have been eating. Had some good food, and for my birthday, they came out and sang to me and presented a little chocolate cake with a candle.

It was good

After dinner

Here is a picture of Michelle and Lisa doing a dance.

Picture of the girls (Debbie, Michelle, Lisa)

We ventured up to the Horizon bistro and played a game called cover your assets. It is a fun game. Then we went to bed

Not the Horizon Court


Spending the day on an island in the Bahamas for my birthday is something I never thought about or would ever do. But in the year 2020 it came true and it was truly a good time. Relaxing in the heat instead of the coldness of winter is always nice.

So as a start to my next year on Earth, it has started out with a good day. Now we just need to see what the other 366 days have instore for me. 


Here is a PDF version of the platter from the ship. (might load the PDF slow)

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