November 23, 2022

Today is Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving of 2022. We are on our way to Maui, to spend the Thanksgiving holiday there.


We had to repack, and fit all of our crap in the bags. I will explain this later.  I ate some breakfast and had some pumpkin spice pancakes. Pretty good. We then headed out to the airport. Now that was a fun adventure.

Airport adventure

We headed to the car rental place and well, let’s just say that apple car play maps and Hawaii, really didn’t work that well. It would say turn left, but there are 2 lefts right on top of each outer and of course, I took the wrong turn—just the start of a great day for me.

Don’t want to go too much into what was happening at the airport, but it was just another typical day for me. I was taking care of the car rental and the rest went to get the bags checked in. We were running late as usual. I didn’t see that I need to take the shuttle to Terminal 1 for Hawaiian airlines. I just saw terminals this way so I walked that way. I was thinking, I really didn’t need a shuttle to the gate.

Well, I needed to go to Terminal 1 and I started to walk to terminal 5 and I continued to walk until I got to T1. That was a hell of a walk. My wife was upset that the TSA pre-check wasn’t printed on her ticket and the customer service line was so long. That she just went with the boys and stood in that line. I went through TSA Pre-check and I was in and out in under 5 min.

Had to make our way to the B gates and well, that was another adventure in itself. My wife was still mad at me. So you know all is good right?

Flight to Maui

We pushed off about 7 min early, and we were in the air, they did come around with a little pouch of water or juice, collected the garbage and then we landed. My wife actually let me sit by the window. But, she then quickly moved to the open row of seats. That flight was short and sweet. That is the way they should be.

Maui Airport

Once we landed and found our way to the baggage claim, we then headed out to the rental car. We went to get the car and the rest stayed behind to watch the luggage. Packed up all the stuff into the car and then headed off to the cellphone parking lot. One of my sons and the father-in-law went looking for my mother-in-law’s phone. She put it down and walked away.

Never found it, so we picked them up and headed over to Costco to pick up some things. Then went to Walmart and then head off to the place where we were staying.

The place

I will be talking about this in a later post, so come back to find out where we stayed at. It is most likely not what you are thinking. But it is where spent a good four days of the week we stayed in Maui.

We just stayed there the rest of the night.

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