November 21, 2022

This was a Monday and that meant it was a day to explore the island of Oahu.


Got up and had some breakfast and we ran into a friend of my son. I know out of all the places in the world. He was staying at the same hotel as us.

Then come to find out, another one of my son’s friends was staying on Waikiki beach.

We headed out to the go-to sandy beach.

Then we went to the blow hole

Punch bowl

This is one place I have always wanted to go to and I made it this time. I will be talking about this in a separate post.


This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Is to have lunch while traveling. My wife hates to choose where to eat. She is the picky one and everything we say gets shot down. So my son just said Mcdonald’s it is. At least the Diet Coke was good for her.

Pearl Harbor

I will be talking about this in a separate post as well. So look at that.

Dole Plantation

For me, this is a must thing to do. I will be doing a separate post as well. 

Meeting people

We were going to meet up with my son’s friend and have some dinner. We meet at Ted’s bakery, this place is just in the middle of nowhere and it was like a dive. But the pumpkin cheesecake was good.


We ate at this Mexican place

It was pretty good food.

Back to hotel

After a long night, we headed back to the hotel to try and get some rest. We would need some for the next day’s adventures.


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