My Excursion on St. Maarten

There were no official excursions planned. The only thing I wanted to do was to go to the airport. I know I know, why in the world would I want to go to an airport? Am I some sort of plane nut and wants to look at the planes?

Getting there

We got off the ship and then we headed to find a taxi, there are no water taxis that took us there so we opted for just a plain taxi. It took us about 45 min to get there and it costs us around $8 a person, so $20 for both of us. I know that 8+8=16. The 20 included a tip.  She dropped us off and then we went to the beach.


This seems like it is a popular place to come. It was packed with people on the beach. Why you might ask. Well, the airplanes come right on over the beach to land and they are close.  You also could see them take off and the jet blast can be deadly.  That is if you are stupid about it.

Here are some pictures

As we are right under the planes, we got some videos of them. Here you can see what I am talking about.

Ride back

We found another taxi driver on the way back and well let’s just say that it should have been a good 2 hours stuck in traffic. But it cheated and knocked a good portion of it off.  Thought I was going to die a few times but I am still here to write about it. I took a time lapse video of it and here it is.

Crazy Ride


We stopped in downtown and went shopping. Found some sunglasses and a shirt. Got our toothpaste since my wife left it at home. Don’t worry about brushing my teeth, I had a small one. We walked back to the ship from that point it wasn’t that far. A good little walk. To help burn up all those calories I have been consuming.

So over all the one thing I wanted to do (airport) I achieved, yes it costed $40 bucks, that is for 2 of us, but I thought it was worth it.  Something I wanted to do for years and I did it. Check that off my bucket list (gives me an idea).

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