I am on Youtube

If you haven’t noticed, I am on YouTube.


Before I started on my YouTube channel, I posted videos on Vimeo. My first travel video is here

But that wasn’t the first time I posted, that was on Dec. 27, 2014, and that video is here


Now almost 8 years later, I am doing YouTube. Let’s hope I have improved on video and editing.


When I started YouTube back on my cruise to New England, I didn’t really advertise the channel. That might be why I only have 19 subscribers, but hey, that is a start right?

I was just testing the waters, now it might be time I start to let people know I am on YouTube. Yes, I might not be the best vlogger or blogger out there. But we all have to start somewhere right?


The channel for my travel adventures is


I do have Videos up about the following trips

  • New England Cruise out of New York City Fall of 2022
  • Hawaii Trip for Thanksgiving of 2022
  • Some luggage I use on my trips

Upcoming stuff as of this post (April 28, 2023)

  • Pacific Coastal Cruise from LA to Vancouver, B.C. April of 2023
    • Starts on May 1, 2023


Just like this website, the channel will always be moving forward and be all things about traveling. Now it might not always be about traveling and places I go. I live in a great state, in the United States, and it has a lot to offer. I should encourage people to come and visit and see the great wonders of the State of Utah.

I know, I know, what you are thinking, But there are way more things to do in Utah and a lot more to see. It is a great place. Don’t get me wrong, I will talk about the thing you are all thinking. Mormons. But Just come back and see what I have to say.


For all the support you have shown me and for continuing to show me. It would be great if you would subscribe to the YouTube channel and sign up to get notices from this website as well. But remember that the website and the YouTube channel are a work in progress.

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