I am back

The last time I wrote a blog post was on January 18, 2021. I know, I know, what happened. Let me explain.

Only 18 days

Yes, 18 days into the new year of 2021 and I stopped posting. I had enough posts to last me until at least March. But, I soon found out that there wasn’t enough time in the day to do what I needed to do. Only 18 days in to the new year and I failed at doing what I wanted to do.

What happened

The year of COVID-19 has been a productive year for certain things. Not economically, that has totally sucked for people, certain industries and some businesses. The world was shut down, people working from their homes and just trying to survive.

I was on a roll even when I wasn’t able to travel, 3 different cruises canceled on us. As I write this post, the industry is still shut down in America.

We decided to build a house, yes you heard that right. We decided to build a house during this time of COVID-19. We needed to get our house in order so we could sell it. So that is why I stopped posting. I had to pack up the house and stuff. I didn’t get all of it packed up and moving was a night mare. But thanks to family and friends they made it a good move. A lot of helping hands. Still haven’t found a lot of stuff, but I am still looking for some of my office stuff.



Now that we are somewhat settled into the new house. I have decided to start posting again. So I will finish up my Lake Powell trip and then talk about some other things I have planned.

Hopefully you will enjoy the new content. Follow me on Social Media you can find that those links at the top and bottom of the page.

So come back on Monday, May, 17 for and overview of Sunday.

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