Day 8, Friday, June 1, 2018, Alaska Trip

It is Friday the last day of the cruise, it is a partial sea day as we sail towards Victoria, BC, Canada. It is a rainy day here on the ruby princess what a difference between this one and the last time I was here.

Woke this morning and went to breakfast in the dining room. I prefer to eat here. It is more laid back and not such a hustle and bustle of the buffet. It seemed that you could never find a place to sit down. It seemed that people just parked their butts in a seat and stayed the whole day.

Quiet Place to think

I went up the Skywalkers nightclub to sit and write and do a couple of things while I had some time. Besides, it was a good view to just look at the view off of the back of the ship (sorry I didn’t take a photo)

The family joined me after they took their mid-morning nap. We went to lunch in the buffet and once again it was hard to find a spot to sit. Should have gone to the main dining room heard they had fish tacos and some other good stuff. But, we didn’t make it down in time.  Spent too much time looking at where we have been in the nice quiet environment. Wanted to write on the balcony, but it was raining so that put a damper on that plan.

Packing (no)

We went back and started to pack and get organized to put out or luggage out for tomorrow. We have a lot of stuff, way too much stuff. Went had dinner, they told us the wrong time, way too much stuff. Went had dinner, they told us the wrong time and so we had to wait for a table. Didn’t get our usual wait staff, and that was a bummer. They were really good.

Victoria B.C. Canada

We ate and then left the ship and headed to Victoria. We ended up walking out to a lighthouse at the end of the pier. Took some photos.

We then get back and took the double-decker bus into town to see the sites. Went shopping and the kids looked around Victoria, Canada and I think they enjoyed their time in Canada. Nope, we didn’t get our passports stamped. Since we are U.S. (United States) citizen we didn’t have a problem with anything. Some people were having an issue and they were being asked a lot of questions.

We took the double-decker bus back to the ship and got on. This time they pulled into port instead of backing into it.

Finished packing and set the five suitcases outside and then went down to the international café for some late night snacks.  (I know more food)

Went to bed around 2 AM, the mourning comes early.

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