Day 5, Tuesday, May 29, 2018, Alaska Trip

Today was a stop in Skagway, Alaska, the second stop on our 7-day cruise. It is a cold and somewhat rainy day here. The boys had a kayaking trip planned but with one of them breaking their foot they aren’t able to go. Tegan, the older one, still went with his cousin on it. The rest of the group went zip lining and well the three of us. Ryker, the wife, and I stayed behind and went shopping and walking in Skagway.

International Cafe

The day started off as I went down to the international café with my oldest Tegan. He wrote in his journal and wrote about yesterday’s adventures over hot chocolate, pastries and fresh fruits. We then went and got the rest of the group and went to the breakfast in the main dining room (Da Vinci). Got ready of the day and headed to get off of the ship as we docked. Ryker had to get off on another deck as he is scooter bound. The rest left earlier, as their zip lining tour was early. We got the kids off on the kayaking trip, and then we headed into town.

Trip into Town

Last time we were here we weren’t able to tour much of Skagway as we did the train ride. Plus this year we docked in a different spot then we did last time and we were closer to town, which made it nice. We offered to take the train this year, but Ryker said it cost too much to go. It still had snow on top of the train ride as the train was going up the mountain, we didn’t have our passports with us as well. We didn’t need them last time, but for some reason, they said to bring them along. I am assuming that this is for non-USA citizens. As you do pass into Canada. Besides, I didn’t grab my wallet from the safe from the room.

Photo gallery coming soon (Apple changed the way they did photos and I need to convert them first)

We brought more stuff came back to the ship and we ate at the buffet and went back to the room. Where we let the babies (our baby and my sisters 1-year-old) take a nap. We then proceed to go to the main plaza area on deck 5 where we saw some small Alaskan Huskies. The baby didn’t know what to think of the dogs.

Back to the room, where he went back to sleep and we waited for the kids to get back from kayaking and when they did return the first thing they did was take a shower as it just rained on them and they were cold. (No photos just selfies)


We then went and ate dinner in the main dining room, the one that we were assigned, Da Vinci, and we proceeded to eat more than we should have. Since our dining is at 7:30 that means we don’t get done until about 9:30 and that means that they just want to go to bed.  But first, it was movies under the stars.


Tomorrow is a sea day while we go down Glacier Bay.

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