Cedar City Overview

The trip is over and how did it fair? That is what is on my mind after the trip. How did it fair? How did it go? I have about a million questions going through my mind.


Yes, this covered some days back in September it was over Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 5 to 8, 2020. I know that it Dec. 16, 2020, now and I am just getting this review over with. I know COVID-19 really sucked the life out of the travel industry. But these days were good to me.

Time Spent

I have been to Cedar City Many times, but this time I was dropping off my son at college. A bittersweet day. I have seen them off on scout camps, trips, and an LDS Mission. But, dropping off one of my kids to college meant something different.

But a time spent with him and the ability to see him grow and go off into the real world was hard. But, it is something that needs to be done.

Cedar City

I will never look at this place the same again. It will be a place where I left my son to grow. Yea, it is only 2 hours away.  It won’t be the place we stop for Wendy’s on the way to Vegas or LA.  It won’t be the place you go to get to Nauvoo Lake. It was a quiet place, a quiet little town until my son showed up.

Now what

He isn’t that loud. But Cedar City’s gain is my loss, but only temporarily. He will be moving on to other things.

When I look back on a trip, I want to make sure that it was productive? Was it worth it?

Well, I come back here again. Yes, the trip was worth it. I will always go back to Cedar City.

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