Oregon Trip Day 1, June 29, 2017

Let’s just stay it started off early this morning and it ended late at night.  The drive thru Nevada was boring as it could be.  I have never in my life been this far on I-80, I have flown but never have driven. It was a long 8-hour drive.  We decided to head out today after we took care of a few things that came up in the course of the day.  This trip might be a long trip after all.

We saw some interesting things, something out in the middle of nowhere, thought it was a cell phone tower, but not sure.

The Nevada department of transportation was building three land bridges for the wildlife to cross safely. Road construction is just everywhere.

Wendover, Nevada had gas at $2.49 and the Utah side at it at $2.54, not too many people were on the Utah side of the border buying gas.


Found the hotel and checked in and then went to Wal-Mart and that was a joke, but it is Wal-Mart after 10 PM.

 Just a couple of checkers 

Tomorrow is another day.

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