March 20, 2019, Puerto Vallarta

The last port call of the cruise, Puerto Vallarta, it has a Walmart. True just like the other places we have been in they have one. We didn’t do a city tour or anything like that we went four wheeling.


We ate in the main dining room today and we had to hurry thru this as we were getting closer and closer to the departure time of our excursion. Sorry, no pictures this morning.. I know I am slacking!!!

After Breakfast

We boarded a bus and headed out to our excursion of riding 4 wheelers.


We ate some food at the Excursion place. I will give my opinion on that in the separate post so look for that.

After Lunch

We headed back to the ship and went to Walmart. Took a nice shower to clean my self after that hot and dusty 4 wheeler ride. In my opinion, it needed to be a bit longer on the 4 wheelers. I got a video of the ride from my small action pack camera that I strapped to my chest while I was driving the 4 wheeler. I didn’t see the video on my camera and thought things got deleted, but I found them. The date got reset and somehow and the video showed up in front since the date was 2015 instead of 2019. Odd. But that what happens when you change the battery. Check out the Puerto Vallarta page when it is posted to see a video of the 4 wheeler ride.


Of course, we ate dinner, we ate in the Gold Pearl and it was some good food as usual.

After Dinner

We watched Princess Royal leave the dock and then we watched ourselves leave. We ended up on deck 10, watching The Green book. It was a good show, watched the top close shut. There is a video of this and I will put that on the Splendor page. That was interesting how they did that, they need this in Alaska.

Summary of day 6

It was a busy day a fun one but a long one. I guess the sun just wears you out. That and all the food that I have been eating is making me tired. Check out the Petro Vallarta page to see if I would recommend this tour.

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