Food for the day, Sept. 7, 2020

I know, I know posting about food, but it is what it is. We had food to get us thru the day. During this COVID-19 time, it is important to keep up our strength. Right?


The hotel we stayed in, Comfort Inn and Suites, had a grab and Go breakfast which consisted of the following:

  • Apple
  • Nature Valley Chewy Bar
    • Chocolate Chip
  • Orange Chocolate Crumble
  • Brown Muffin
  • Apple Sauce
  • Yogurt
  • They had some take and go Orange Juice, Apple Juice, and waters

I was hungry this morning.

At least they had some breakfast due to this COIVD-19 thing.


We had some Café Rio and well the line was long and my wife didn’t want to wait, so she ordered on-line. Well, the people who were in front of us. Got their food and ate it before we got our food via ordering online. I just shook my head.

Here is what I got

It was a pork salad.  Unfortunately, this isn’t my favorite place to eat. But my wife likes it and since she is a picky eater. We get this.


Still full from Lunch so nothing.

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