East Coast Tech

New Trip means, packing the tech. sometimes this gets old but enjoyable. Now I just need to figure out what I am going to take.

What am I going to take?

The questions that come to my mind are the following:

  • What tripods am I going to take
  • Am I taking my iPad
    • I no longer use it to type on airplanes, due to no damn room.
  • Make sure I have my power adapter for the laptop
    • I have one in my cord bag, this is an extra one since I forgot it several times.
  • What can I do to make it lighter?
    • That is a  good question

Narrowed it down

I narrowed it down to the following:

Still a lot of crap, but I always tell myself do I need this. The answer is always Hell, ya!! Will I ever use it? I am not sure if I will, that is what I will find out.


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