Cedar City Overview Day1

Saturday, Sept. 5, 2020, came upon us like any other day. However, the day was full of stuff to do. Yes, a lot of stuff to do. Where should we start?

Morning time

Got up early and took my son’s car to the mechanic and got a LOF done. For those that don’t know what LOF stands for. It stands for Lube, Oil, and Filter. That is how it was said back in the good old days. Came back and while I was in the shower, a package was delivered. It was for me. I have only been waiting for since Sept. 10, 2019. So it has almost been a year.  My wife was mad at me because I got me a new gadget, in which I will talk about over on my iamgadgetguy.com blog at some point in the future.

Finished packing. Let me go back to why we are going on this trip. My youngest son is going to Southern Utah University for school.  It is his Freshman year and he is excited to go away, even in this COVID-19 era of thing. So we had to do the following:

  • Get him packed
  • Get my self packed
  • Get all my gadgets packed
    • Still forgot my MacBook Pro charger
    • But I fixed that issue, due to my new gadget.
    • I need to get a backup charger for my bag so something like this doesn’t happen again.
  • Got the new gadget packed
    • I am going to play with that this weekend.
  • Others to get packed

All that before we needed to leave by 1 PM. That didn’t happen.


The afternoon came upon us and we pulled out of the house around 1:30 PM and headed towards Cedar City, Utah. But first, we had to stop and get gas at Costco then lunch at Barry’s Drive-in. Then jumped on the freeway and off we went.

Spent until 4:30 PM driving on the freeway heading south. Passed only 1 Highway Patrol man. I was going under the speed limit at that time. I did put the cruise control on at 89 MPH. I hate how people just sit in the fast lane and hold up traffic.

 Evening time

I know 5 PM isn’t evening time, but I am going to say it is for my purposes in this blog. We un-packed him, well they un-packed him, I set up my new gadget so I could play with it later on. It took a good couple of hours to get him all organized. Plenty of time to set up my new gadget.

Found the hotel we will be staying in, checked in, and then went to Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of things. Then grabbed some food at Taco Time and went back to the hotel. For the night.

I know this day was full of adventure.

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