Day 4, April 4, 2017

Today was a sea day,  which meant a day on the sea.  Today is a rough day. I have never felt the ship rock so much as I have on this cruise. I mean with all the cruising I have done, 4 cruises,  this is the most consistent rocking back and fourth.

The day started off about 5 AM when I woke up to a splitting headache. Took some pills and went back to bed. Then woke up and went to the gym, the son didn’t go, due to him being sea sick.  Lifted for awhile, upper body only didn’t really sea any lower body machines.  Went to find a locker and I found one that didn’t work. I asked a guy how it worked, so we found one that worked. He told me to put in 9999 as that is the only code that worked. Do I look that stupid? No, I don’t so I put in my own code.  When got out of the steam room and done with my shower he was still there just laying around. As I left he was still there. Creepy much.

Went back and got everyone up so we could do the sea day brunch. Went to that in the Marci Gras dining room. The food was good and a lot of it as usual.  Then it was time to either take a nap or roam around the ship. I didn’t roam around like I wanted to. I started to read a book, but it was information I already knew. So that was boring.  Finally, lunch time came around and I was still full from breakfast, but that didn’t’ stop me from eating Guy’s burger, a grilled Ruben from the Deli. I was stuffed to the fullest.

I attempted to read the book again, but I fell asleep outside of the candle light lounge I think it was for a good two to three hours. I wonder if people were staring at me? I will never know.

Dinner time came up and it was the formal night, so I put on the suit and tie, something I like to do, and went to dinner. I ordered two of the appetizers, Entrees, and desserts. A lot of food.

Went to the punchline comic club and saw two different comedians, and they were night and day from each other. But, this was the PG version so it was family friendly.

Went window shopping at the shops, then back up to the Lido deck where I finished off the day with some ice cream, hot chocolatier, and some of my wife’s pizza.

The day was an average sea day, where you did nothing but eat and tried to relax, that is for the people who can relax. I either try to do everything I can or just fall asleep because I am trying to do everything I can do.




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