Heber City Airport

Yes, Heber City has an Airport. It is small, but it is doable. Let’s talk about it.



This covers an area of 401 acres and has only one runway with an asphalt surface. It is categorized as a general aviation facility. The Airport and Airway Trust Fund has awarded it over $17 million.

There have been issues with being cited for egregious prices and fees. Thus, the AOPA has asked the city of Heber to increase the number of types of businesses at the airport, bringing in competition and adding some fixed-base operators.

But, Heber needs to come up with a new airport master plan.

Used For

I have seen many private planes at the airport at certain times as celebrities fly into Heber City to go to Park City.

A lot of small airplanes use this airport as well.


It is a nice small airport, but it is used mainly by celebrities visiting Utah. I have never flown out of here, but it looks like a good airport. Since I don’t own a private jet, I must look at it while I drive by.



I got some information from here.

Heber City Municipal Airport. (2023, January 2). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heber_City_Municipal_Airport

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