2021, Overview

The year 2021 hasn’t been that exciting for this blog. I wish I could travel more.


Yea, I haven’t been able to travel like I have wanted to lately due to the state the world is in. It isn’t a good thing. I can’t get into it. But my traveling has gone down a ton. I had several things planned but they all got canceled.


Yes, content on this site is lagging behind. I had big plans here and on my social media channels. You can see them here

But things fizzled out over the course of the year.


Not that much for 2021, yea, Lake Powell and Vegas for Labor day. Not much travel.


Here is a video for you


What does 2022 have in store for travelingwithjustin.com well let’s find out on Monday, Jan. 3, 2021

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